Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday: Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas

My TBR list is always growing and I thought it would be fun to share my anticipation for those books with all of you. This is not my own original meme; it belongs to Breaking the Spine. It specifically spotlights upcoming releases. As it implies in the title, I'll be posting this meme on Wednesdays. Please feel free to comment and let me know what books you guys are waiting on as well!

Long May She Reign by Rhiannon Thomas
Publisher: HarperTeen
Expected Pub. Date: February 21st 2017
Buy it: Amazon | B&N | Book Depository
Freya was never meant to be queen. Twenty third in line to the throne, she never dreamed of a life in the palace, and would much rather research in her laboratory than participate in the intrigues of court. However, when an extravagant banquet turns deadly, and the king and his courtiers are poisoned, Freya suddenly finds herself on the throne.

Freya may have survived the massacre, but she is far from safe. The nobles don’t respect her, her councillors want to control her, and with the mystery of who killed the king still unsolved, Freya knows that a single mistake could cost her the kingdom – and her life.

Freya is determined to survive, and that means uncovering the murderers herself. Until then, she can’t trust anyone. Not her advisors. Not the king’s dashing and enigmatic illegitimate son. Not even her own father, who always wanted the best for her, but also wanted more power for himself.

Long May She Reign seems rife with intrigue. A girl who was never meant to be queen, a sudden massacre of everyone else who should have been on the throne before her, and a "dashing, enigmatic illegitimate son" of the king?


Rhiannon Thomas is a recent graduate from Princeton University, where she studied English and Japanese, and smuggled bubble tea into the library on a regular basis. She now lives in York, England.

As well as reading and writing YA fiction, she runs the blog, where she discusses TV, books, and all kinds of fannish things from a feminist perspective.
Connect with Rhiannon: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr

Have you guys heard of this book? What do you think? Are you adding it to your TBR? Let me know ^_^


  1. My friend's read this one and she loved it! I can't wait for it either :DDD

    1. Who is this friend? Her and I seem to have similar tastes each week ^_^

  2. I just added this to my TBR the other day! I'm really looking forward to it. :)

  3. Great pick! I haven't seen this one yet, but it's definitely going on my list now. It sounds so good and I've been on such a fantasy kick for the past year. I'm really excited for this one now!

    Traci @ The Reading Geek

    1. Fantasy is my favorite genre, so any time a new YA fantasy is coming out I am all over it. I'm so excited for this one, hopefully we both love it!

  4. I have just started seeing this title talked about in the last week or so. I sounds wonderful!

  5. I like her other series, and this one sounds really good too! And I love that cover. Thanks for visiting my WOW earlier!

    1. I was curious about her other series too. I'll read this one and if I love it, I'll add the previous to my TBR.

      Thank you for stopping by my WoW!

  6. Great pick! I'm also waiting on this one. :) Doesn't it look amazing? Thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. Thanks! It look fantastic, I can't wait!

      And thank you for visiting my blog ^_^

  7. I can’t wait to read this one either! It’s on Edelweiss, so hopefully I get to it soon :D It sounds amazing, and the title always reminds me of the TV show Reign, haha. Great pick this week!! )

    1. I had no idea it was on Edelweiss, I'm going to go request it now! I never watched Reign but it looked really good, so hopefully I love it!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I can't wait to read this book either, hopefully it's as good as it sounds!

  9. Lovely pick Brittany :D I have this as an eARC. I'm pretty curious about it :D But nervous that it might be boring, haha. Hope you will love it. <3

    1. Sorry that I didn't see this sooner! I hope you enjoyed this book, though! ^_^
