Saturday, September 17, 2016

This Adventure Ends by Emma Mills Blog Tour: ARC Review

Hey guys, today I'm sharing my review of This Adventure Ends by Emma Mills as part of the blog tour! I hope you like it, and be sure to check out the rest of the tour schedule!

Emma Mills is a debut author better known to her subscribers as vlogger Elmify. She is also cocreator and cohost of the "life skills" channel How to Adult.
Connect with Emma: Youtube | Twitter |

Published by Henry Holt and Co.
Publication Date: October 4th, 2016
Buy: Amazon | B&N | Book Depository
Sloane isn't expecting to fall in with a group of friends when she moves from New York to Florida—especially not a group of friends so intense, so in love, so all-consuming. Yet that's exactly what happens.

Sloane becomes closest to Vera, a social-media star who lights up any room, and Gabe, Vera's twin brother and the most serious person Sloane's ever met. When a beloved painting by the twins' late mother goes missing, Sloane takes on the responsibility of tracking it down, a journey that takes her across state lines—and ever deeper into the twins' lives.

Filled with intense and important friendships, a wonderful warts-and-all family, shiveringly good romantic developments, and sharp, witty dialogue, this story is about finding the people you never knew you needed.

This Adventure Ends is a cute and bubbly read that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. After reading a lot of emotionally heavy books lately, this was exactly what I needed! Emma Mills is a master of hilarious and witty dialogue—she definitely had me chuckling constantly throughout the majority of the book. In most cases, contemporaries are usually a hard sell for me, especially ones that are not heavy-handed on the romance, but I enjoyed This Adventure Ends so much that I gobbled it up in one sitting!

If you're looking for an issues book or an overly complicated or serious contemporary, this may not be for you. At its core, This Adventure Ends is charming and fun, and is simply a pleasure to read. I would easily recommend it to anyone—especially if they're looking for something happy to brighten their day and lighten their mood.

1) This book is a gold mine of hilarious dialogue. In fact, most of my notes involve hilarious sections of conversation between the narrator, Sloane, and other people. Sloane's voice is probably one of my favorite character voices of all time—she's so amazing.

2) I love how This Adventure Ends is focused on friendships. Emma beautifully depicts how close friends can truly become a part of your family. She showcases that sometimes your family doesn't necessarily mean related by blood, which is something that is immensely important to me. The way that Emma lets the reader see into each individual friendship, as well as the whole group's dynamic as a whole is very well-executed.

3) Sloane's dad, Michael Finch, is a precious cinnamon roll. He's basically what you'd get if you combined Arthur Weasley (Harry Potter) and Mr. Bennet (Pride and Prejudice). Doesn't that paint an interesting picture in your head? Haha xD He is definitely one of my new favorite fictional dads!

4) This Adventure Ends is such a happy read. Even in times of sadness, this book will give you something to smile about. If you're ever looking for a fun, YA version of a romcom, or if you simply need a break from the harsh realities of everyday life, you need this book.

5) The families—particularly the parents—play a huge role in this book, and it's great! It goes to show that YA can still be YA with parents without it solely being negative. Each family is more than what meets the eye. The characters who appear to have the perfect lives are simultaneously dealing with tragedy and loss. Sloane has both parents and a cute little sister, but things are strained between all of them. It's incredibly honest, yet so simple. I love it!

1) I would have liked to see and know more about Sloane. She has a great voice, but I don't feel like I understood her as well as I would have liked. To me, she seemed so guarded, but I wasn't sure why. I assumed that it was because her parents had a strained relationship, or because she never had real friends before meeting the other characters in This Adventure Ends, but I wanted to know the back-story for certain.  

2) I do love that this book focuses more on friendship instead of romance, but you guys know that I'm all about the swoon factor in books. I wish that Sloane and Gabe had more interaction and time together. They are so adorable, and I think this book would have benefited from those two having more cutesy scenes.

"Geez. That was—was that a New York thing?"

Yes. Here is your MetroCard, and this is how you publicly dismantle the insufferable dicks.

"Everyone should have punched-in-the-face-for kinds of friends. Everyone should have . . . you know. Like the people you call when you need to hide the body."

"Why is there a body?"

"If there was a body. Hypothetically."

"I'd like to avoid all forms of murder, including hypothetical."

"There's not a universe in which I wouldn't want to talk to you."

"Serial-killer universe?"

"We would both be serial killers. We would meet on the job and team up."

9/15 – This Adventure Travels
9/15 – Book Review
9/16 – Interview with Emma
9/17 – This Adventure Paints
9/17 – Book Review
9/18 – Moodboard
9/19 – This Adventure Explores
9/19 – Book Review
9/20 – Would you Rather Questions
9/21 – This Adventure
9/21 – Book Review
9/22 – Emma Guest Post
9/23 – This Adventure Creates
9/23 – Book Review
9/24 – Friendship Post
9/25 – Book Review
9/26 – This Adventure Blooms
9/26 – Emma Guest Post
9/27 – This Adventure Inspires
9/27 – Book Review
9/28 – Emma Guest Post
9/29 – This Adventure Swims
9/29 – Book Review
9/30 – Emma Guest Post
10/1 – This Adventure Begins
10/1 – Book Review
10/2 – Emma Guest Post
10/3 – This Adventure Swoons
10/3 – Book Review
10/4 – Pinterest Board


  1. OHMYGOSH THIS SOUNDS FANTASTIC! De one, the cover is gorgeous! And witty dialogue?! I love witty dialogue! I love books that have me grinning so much. I'm adding this one for sure! Thanks for the rec and lovely review!
    Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews

    1. The cover is really beautiful. The dialogue is awesome and you know it made me smile so it sounds like this book is perfect for you!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hahahaha Arthur Weasley and Mr. Bennet combined does paint an interesting picture inside my head! Honestly would love to read this book just for that. BUT everything else you said in your review also makes it sound like a great read! ♥

    1. Yes! Sloane's dad is a great character. You definitely need to read this book! I hope you enjoy it ^_^

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. What you said about this not being an issues book is actually perfect because I do not enjoy issues books (for the most part)! Yay. :D I'll be reading this one very very soon so I hope I like it too! I loved First & Then so I'm sure I'll be fine. =)

    Wonderful review, Brittany!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I generally don't reach for issues books either but there are some that are amazing, such as The Female of the Species, but This Adventure Ends is light and sweet. I hope you enjoy it as much as you liked First & Then.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  4. That dialogue sounds like my kind of read! I'm off to add it to my TBR on Goodreads. Great review!

    1. Yes, the dialogue is great. I can't wait to hear what you think of it! ^_^

  5. Wow this was a fantastic review!! I already desired this book when I saw its cover on Twitter but your review makes me wish for October even more!!!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad that you're even more excited! I hope you love it ^_^

  6. Aw, lovely review Brittany :D YAY for enjoying this book so much. It do seem pretty amazing :D I have heard about it a bunch now, while catching up to commenting, haha. I'm getting curious :)
