Monday, December 18, 2017

2017 Debut Authors Bash: Interview with Elly Blake!

Hey everyone, I have the pleasure of being part of the 2017 Debut Authors Bash!

Check out my interview with Elly Blake, author of the Frostblood series! Plus, there's an awesome giveaway, and other goodies below! 

Fireblood (Frostblood #2) by Elly Blake
Format: Paperback ARC, 408 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown
Pub. Date: September 12th, 2017
In this action-packed sequel to the New York Times bestselling Frostblood, Ruby must choose between her fiery homeland and the icy king who loves her.

Against all odds, Ruby has defeated the villainous Frost King and melted his powerful throne. But the bloodthirsty Minax that was trapped inside is now haunting her kingdom and everyone she loves. The answers to its demise may lie to the south in Sudesia, the land of the Firebloods, and a country that holds the secrets to Ruby's powers and past....

Despite warnings from her beloved Arcus, Ruby accompanies a roguish Fireblood named Kai to Sudesia, where she must master her control of fire in a series of trials to gain the trust of the suspicious Fireblood queen. Only then can she hope to access the knowledge that could defeat the rampaging Minax—which grows closer every moment. But as sparks fly in her moments alone with Kai, how can Ruby decide whom to trust? The fate of both kingdoms is now in her hands.

Elly Blake loves fairy tales, old houses, and owls. After earning a BA in English literature, she held a series of seemingly random jobs, including project manager, customs clerk, graphic designer, reporter for a local business magazine, and library assistant. She lives in Southwestern Ontario with her husband, kids and a Siberian Husky mix who definitely shows Frostblood tendencies.
Connect with Elly: Website | Twitter | Instagram | FB | Tumblr | Pinterest

One of the bios I've seen for you online says that you love fairy tales. Which is your favorite one, and why?

Oh, yes, I adore them! I don’t have a single favorite, but I love the original Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson fairy tales. The original versions didn’t necessarily have happy endings, and sometimes they were downright gory, which fascinated me as a kid. A few of the ones that come to mind: The Red Shoes, Boots and His Brothers, the Six Swans, and East of the Sun and West of the Moon.

Which of your own characters do you identify with the most, and why?

I identify most with Ruby, not necessarily because we’re that similar on the surface (I’m not nearly so brave or impulsive), but because emotionally I connect with her. She’s passionate, feels everything too strongly, and doesn’t always know how to manage her emotions. Those are familiar struggles for me.

What are your favorite types of scenes to write? What are your favorite types of scenes to read?

My favorite scenes to write and read are the romantic ones. Kissing ftw! I also love writing action scenes and bantery dialogue.

Do you have any favorite fictional couples/OTPs, and what about them makes you love them so much?

I tend to fall in love with whatever couple is in the book I’m currently reading. So many book boyfriends, so little time. That said, I still really love Meghan and Ash from the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa. I can’t resist an enemies-to-lovers trope done well. Prince Ash starts out hunting Meghan,  and later vows to be her knight. Sigh.

Who are some writers or authors you'd like to collaborate with, and why?

I’d love to write something with my friend Nicki Pau Preto! Her debut novel, CROWN OF FEATHERS, comes out in 2019. She was my first critique partner and remains a trusted CP and friend. We have the similar tastes in YA sci fi/fantasy, so I think we’d be able to come up with a shared vision for a story. When she tells me to read something, I’ve learned to pay attention! I think our styles could blend well in a collaboration.

There are many established authors I admire greatly, but it feels presumptuous of me to say I’d like to write a book with them! Ok, I’d also love to write a book with Morgan Rhodes, author of the FALLING KINGDOMS series. She’s a plotter and I’m a pantser, so I’d probably drive her crazy, but it would be fun to find out what we could come up with together!

If you could travel anywhere (all expenses paid) for writing inspiration, where would you go and why?

I would like to go to Iceland, please universe! The landscape just looks so incredible, almost fantastical. From ice-covered plains to volcanoes and hot springs, I would adore a nice long trip to explore it all.

I’d also like to visit the UK. I’ve still never been there, even though my younger brother is currently living in London! I’d do all kinds of tours, from Harry Potter to historical romance-themed tours, if such things exist. I’d love to see the moors that inspired Wuthering Heights, as well as traveling to Wales where so much delicious folklore originated from. And Scotland and Ireland, too. Oh man, this needs to be a long trip.

What are some of your favorite and least favorite tropes in books?

Gah, I’m a sucker for tropes. My favorite is probably girl-disguised-as-a boy, but I also adore hate-to-love, mistaken identity, and yes, the Chosen One trope which some people have lost patience with (but not me). Tropes are about excitement and possibilities and maximum drama, which is what I love when I read. I like to experience things in books that I’d never experience in real life.

My least favorite trope? Hmm. I’m not sure I have one. :)

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Yes! New writers, please don’t judge your talent based on your first efforts: first draft, first book, etc. The first thing you write will probably be very flawed. But it has potential, and that’s what counts. Persistence, hard work, and dedication can take you from where you are to where you want to be. People who put in the effort to learn and improve can surpass the person with undeveloped talent. Also, try to separate the art from the commerce when it comes to publishing. Just because you’re not published yet doesn’t mean you aren’t a real writer. You’re a writer because you write. Period.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The cover is gorgeous! I have the first book and need the sequel so yes, it's on my TBR. I also like girl-in-disguise and hate-to-love tropes. My favorite trope is friends to more.

    1. This is my favorite cover out of the trilogy! If you haven't read this series yet, you definitely need to especially for the hate-to-love trope *wink wink*

  2. Hans Christian Anderson is one of my favourites as well. There is something about those folk tales that intrigue me so much. This is such a wonderful interview and it has reminded me that I should really get started with this series already. I can't believe that Book 3 is coming soon. :)

  3. Fireblood was spectacular. I can't wait for the next book to come out.
    I totally agree, the Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson wrote the best fairy tales. I adore the original version of The Little Mermaid, it is so much more beautiful than the Disney version.
    Great post :)
    Aneta @ Angelic Book Reviews 

  4. Haha, I can totally see that this author would adore tropes! I admit, I do enjoy the ones she features in her books as well. Love this interview Brittany, and I can't wait for the last book in this trilogy. Thank you for sharing!

    - Aila @ Happy Indulgence

  5. I have this series on my TBR :D
    Lookin forward to read!
    Thank you for sharin this great interview! :)

  6. I love Blake's advice for new writers---something we should all keep in mind!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  7. Lovely interview post Brittany :D Thank you for sharing about this book and author. <3 The interview was awesome :) I haven't read this series, but I am pretty curious about it. I do like the covers :D

  8. Haven't read Frostblood, but this post has made me interested! Can't wait!
