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Monday, October 10, 2016

Words on Bathroom Walls Cover Reveal + Interview with Julia Walton!

Words on Bathroom Walls by Julia Walton
Publisher: Random House
Publication Date: July 4th, 2017
Pre-Order: Amazon
Fans of More Happy Than Not, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and It’s Kind of a Funny Story will cheer for Adam as he struggles with schizophrenia in this brilliantly honest and unexpectedly funny debut.

Adam has just been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He sees and hears people who aren’t there: Rebecca, a beautiful girl who understands him; the Mob Boss, who harasses him; and Jason, the naked guy who’s unfailingly polite. It should be easy to separate the real from the not real, but Adam can't.

Still, there’s hope. As Adam starts fresh at a new school, he begins a drug trial that helps him ignore his visions. Suddenly everything seems possible, even love. When he meets Maya, a fiercely intelligent girl, he desperately wants to be the great guy that she thinks he is. But then the miracle drug begins to fail, and Adam will do anything to keep Maya from discovering his secret.

Guys, isn't the cover amazing?!

Be sure to add this fantastic book to your TBRs, and pre-order it now! And of course, check out the interview below! ;D

What inspired you to write Words on Bathroom Walls?

I'm not sure it was an actual event or idea that inspired me to write Words on Bathroom Walls.  I just knew I wanted to tell the kind of story I would have wanted to read when I went to Catholic school. The idea of a schizophrenic teenager who has visual and auditory hallucinations fit beautifully with the backdrop of celebrated saints and angelic figures in the Catholic Church.

Adam appeared in my mind as a regular, kind-hearted person with heavy problems and a snarky attitude about them. I want readers who are struggling with problems of their own to read Adam's story and maybe feel a little less alone.

What are 5 unique facts about yourself?

1. I can't read a map to save my life so I can basically get lost anywhere. ANYWHERE.
2. I line up my French fries by size and eat them in groups of three. Always with ketchup.
3. I have secret stashes of candy (mostly Swedish Fish and Haribo Gummy bears) in my kitchen that my husband politely pretends not to know about
4. I sometimes slip into a British accent when dealing with customer service people.
5. I once asked Santa for a magic wand and still think this is a perfectly reasonable request.

Who was your first OTP?

My first One True Pairing? I think it would have to have been Mr. and Mrs. Beaver from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Those two really seemed to have it together… #MarriageGoals
But seriously… I think my favorite OTP in literature will always be Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester.  As dark and alluring as he was, she stayed true to herself when she discovered that he’d been lying to her and well, everyone. It also doesn’t hurt that Michael Fassbender brought Rochester to life so perfectly in the film.

What are your favorite and least favorite scenes to write?

I’m not sure I have least favorite scenes, but the ones that are the most challenging to write involve a lot of dialogue. I usually end up cutting and reworking at least half my dialogue.

As for favorite scenes, I love writing the parts where the bad guy gets annihilated by karma. I wish that happened more in real life.

What fictional character (not your own) do you most identify with, and why?

This is going to be boring but…Hermione Granger. I’ve always been bookish and I’ve always loved school, and there is something special about the way Hermione used her brilliance to help her friends. She made me proud to be a nerd.

If you could collaborate with any author on a new book, who would it be and why?

Oh man that thought is terrifying! I’d be immediately plagued with self doubt and a huge inferiority complex!

But…Becky Albertalli.  I loved Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda and based on her writing style and general loveliness as a person (as gleaned from her Twitter posts and interviews) I would love to work with her.

What is the weirdest thing you have ever had to Google for research?

“ When does a dead body start to smell?”

Answer: We do not stay fresh for very long…

If you could bring one fictional character into the real world as your love interest, who would you pick and why?

This answer varies on a daily basis. But at the moment, Matthew Clairmont from Deborah Harkness’s All Souls Trilogy.

Because vampires. <3

Thank you again, Julia! Your answers are awesomely hilarious, and your book is wonderful!


  1. OMG I NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!!! I love the cover *inserts all the emojis* and interview! Great post <3


  3. Way to go Julia!! So very exciting. Where do I get to pre-order! (I'm all the way in Michigan, ya know!?) :)

    1. The pre-order link is above in the post and below in Julia's comment at the bottom ^_^

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh my gosh, those are some hilarious interview answers! Thanks for sharing with us. This book sounds good too!

    1. Yes, isn't Julia amazing! I hope you added Words on Bathroom Walls to your TBR ^_^

  6. I love that authors are tackling mental illness more and more. And I learned to never question an author's search history. No, no, no, NEVER.

    Elisabeth @ Inkspelled Faery

  7. Hmmm, well I loved The Perks of Being a Wallflower so I'm interested to read this story as well, especially after reading that blurb and the interview. Great post :)

  8. Gosh, July publications already. That's amazing. I'm not used to seeing 2017. D: This is a debut, correct? Or no? I love the cover!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Thanks! I love it too!❤️ Yea they get started early with preorder stuff. Crazy!

    2. Publishing is always months ahead, it's difficult to keep up with at time but definitely get this title on your TBR ^_^

  9. CONGRATS ON THE BOOK. Your unique facts about yourself are hilarious! I'm right there with you on reading maps...I do need to see this French fry thing in action. :)

  10. OMG you're hilarious! So excited to read the book I cant wait! I usually only read romance novels but this is the second book I'm interested in reading outside that category. Congrats!

  11. oh this was the best interview!! AND I WANT TO READ THIS BOOK SO BADLY. I only heard of it on twitter just the other day but I am 10000% sold. It's totally on the to-buy list already.😍 And that was an amazing interview! I loved the answers. (Mr. and Mrs. Beaver FTW.😂) But omg JULY?!!??? I'm going to melt into a puddle having to wait that long. 😂

    1. *feelings* thanks so much!! ❤️❤️


  12. That cover is fantastic! It really does give off a Bathroom Wall kind of vibe! I think that this book sounds like a much needed look into life with mental illness. It is going to be quite a long wait until July, but I will be there for this one when it comes! <3

    1. Thank you so much! ❤️ I hope you like it!

    2. Definitely get this book on your TBR, it's fantastic ^_^

  13. I love this cover! I haven't heard of this one yet, but it's definitely going on my list now. It sounds so good! Great interview!

    Traci @ The Reading Geek

  14. Thank you all so much for the support! What lovely comments!

    Amazon link is here:

    I can't wait for July!! Follow me on Twitter @jwaltonwrites for ridiculous comments about life as a mom and writer... oh and news on my book!

    1. You deserve all of the support! Thank you for letting me be a part of your cover reveal ^_^

  15. Gorgeous cover reveal post Brittany :D Thank you for sharing about this book. <3 It do look pretty interesting :D Curious about it. Hugs. <3

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