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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday: Onyx and Ivory & The Empire's Ghost

My TBR list is always growing and I thought it would be fun to share my anticipation for those books with all of you. This is not my own original meme; it belongs to Breaking the Spine. It specifically spotlights upcoming releases. As it implies in the title, I'll be posting this meme on Wednesdays. Please feel free to comment and let me know what books you guys are waiting on as well!

This week's theme is fantasy wars with leading ladies!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday: The Bird and the Blade & Sky in the Deep

My TBR list is always growing and I thought it would be fun to share my anticipation for those books with all of you. This is not my own original meme; it belongs to Breaking the Spine. It specifically spotlights upcoming releases. As it implies in the title, I'll be posting this meme on Wednesdays. Please feel free to comment and let me know what books you guys are waiting on as well!

This week's books are about culturally rich fantasies! 

Friday, November 10, 2017

Beasts Made of Night Blog Tour: Q&A + Giveaway

Hey everyone! I have Tochi Onyebuchi on the blog today as the final stop for the Beasts Made of Night Blog Tour! Check out our interview, info about the book, as well as other goodies!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday: Brightly Burning & A Conspiracy of Stars

My TBR list is always growing and I thought it would be fun to share my anticipation for those books with all of you. This is not my own original meme; it belongs to Breaking the Spine. It specifically spotlights upcoming releases. As it implies in the title, I'll be posting this meme on Wednesdays. Please feel free to comment and let me know what books you guys are waiting on as well!

This week, I'm sharing two tales set in the stars!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday: These Rebel Waves & Heart of Thorns

My TBR list is always growing and I thought it would be fun to share my anticipation for those books with all of you. This is not my own original meme; it belongs to Breaking the Spine. It specifically spotlights upcoming releases. As it implies in the title, I'll be posting this meme on Wednesdays. Please feel free to comment and let me know what books you guys are waiting on as well!

With the weather finally getting colder, I decided to warm all of you up this week with two July 2018 fantasies!