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Review Policy

We are currently not accepting any review requests at this time.

Hello, everyone!

Thank you for considering Brittany's Book Rambles to review your book! We read and write all of our reviews, personally. All of our reviews are written with our honest opinion. We have never been paid or persuaded in any way to give a positive or negative review and that's how we plan to keep it. Too many times have we read reviews that have made us waste our time and money on books that don't deserve it, therefore, we will not be responsible for doing the same to anyone else. Below we have our complete review policy and our contact information! We look forward to hearing from you!

FTC Disclaimer:

All views and opinions expressed on this blog are 100% honest and not influenced by anyone or anything regardless of compensation. All forms of compensation will be disclosed within the post.

General Information

If you would like to send us a request to review an ARC/Galley/Uncorrected Proof of your book, you need to submit your request at least 4 months prior to the publication date. In general the farther away from the publication date, the better. Our TBR lists are forever growing and at times it's not always possible for us to push back the books that are currently waiting-in-line for review to squeeze in a last minute request.

We prefer physical copies of books but we are willing to accept other formats.

Accepting Reviews

Not all review requests will be accepted. It's not personal but we have to take into consideration of what we already have on our plates at that time, what type of books we want to read, and what our readers would like to see.

We would like to receive requests for reviews as far away from its publication date as possible. Ideally, we'd like to receive the book at least 3 months away from when you'd like the review to be posted. This is because we make our reading schedules months in advance. Therefore, the closer you send us your request to the publication date, the more likely we will not accept it.

Sending us a book does not guarantee a review, especially if you sent it unsolicited. If there is a specific timeframe you would like us to post a review, please state that in your request e-mail. Otherwise, the requests we accept are put into our reading and post schedule or whether we will post a review at all will be under our own discretion. 

Types of Books We Review

YA (Young Adult) books are our favorite and the main genre we review. It's what our readership is mostly interested in. Occasionally, we'll review MG (Middle Grade) and NA (New Adult) books but generally, we stick to YA. An MG or NA title has to really stand out for us to add it to your our reading schedules but we welcome requests from both of those genres.

At this time we are not accepting books in the following genres & sub-genres:
  • Non-fiction
  • Literary Fiction
  • Self-Help
  • Horror
  • Erotica
  • Poetry

All books that are being requested for review must have a Goodreads page.

* Any requests that do not follow our review policy will NOT receive a response*

DNF (Did Not Finish) Policy

If we are not enjoying a book(s) by a 1/4th of the way through it, then there is a high possibility that we will set it aside but it depends on how we feel about each book. We do not post reviews of books that we DNF. This is because we don't think it's fair to fully judge a book that we don't finish. However, we will post on Goodreads that the book(s) have been added to our DNF list with a brief explanation as to why.


We write reviews for most of the books that we finish, though there are and have been exceptions to this. A brief summary of our reviews will be posted on Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble with a link to the full review. We also promote our reviews on Twitter, Tumblr, and sometimes Instagram.

All of our reviews whether they are negative or positive are completely honest. Whether we loved the book or hated it, our reviews will reflect all of our feelings. This is not done to insult the author but to give our readers our full opinion on the book(s).

Review Structure:

All of our reviews will include the following:

  • Cover Art
  • Star Rating (in-depth description here)
  • Book Details: publisher, publication date, format, page count
  • Links to buy/pre-order the book
  • The review: Synopsis, Summary of Review, Strengths/Likes and Weaknesses/Dislikes, Favorite Quotes/Moments (except for times where we do not have any quotes or moments we would like to share)

Contact Us

If you would like to send a request to review a book (physical, ebook, or ARC) or would like to arrange a blog tour stop, Q&A, giveaway or any other book related posts, please contact us at Please, do not send us review requests via social media.

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