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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Series You Should Read If You Like YA Fantasy

I've seen this meme on a lot of blogs and decided to join in. This meme was created by The Broke and Bookish. Every Tuesday there is a new topic that involves a list of ten books. 

This week's topic is Ten Books To Read If You Like This Super Popular Book/Author, so I decided to do Top Ten Series To Read if You Like YA Fantasy

It is absolutely insane how many people I have talked to recently who have told me they haven't read The Harry Potter series. I'm telling you that these books are a MUST if you like fantasy. They're the like gateway drug into the fantasy genre. 

I'm sure that at least a few of you were expecting Leigh Bardugo's books on my list. I'm telling you that her books are amazing and you need them in your lives. 

Although Six of Crows is connected to the Grisha books, it's still a separate series. In my opinion, it's not as fantasy-centered (as in everyone has magic powers) as the Grisha series is, but it's still a must read for YA fantasy.

Such an amazing book that stands out from the other popular YA fantasy books because the main character slowly becomes the villain. Also the world seems like something out of Studio Ghibli film, which is awesome.

I would say that this book has the typical makings of a YA fantasy with the special snowflake MC, but it has some crazy twists in it coupled with astounding writing. 

This book is the definition of perfection. Although the fantasy elements are limited to the world and minor magic wielding, it's still one of the best books I've ever read. I'm so excited for The Rose and The Dagger.

If it wasn't for The Grisha books, the Under The Never Sky trilogy would be my absolute favorite. It's set in a dystopian world and it has magical elements.

The most interesting thing about this fantasy novel is that magic is banished because it's actually bad for the society. Imagine having magic and knowing that when you use it, you're harming others? Definitely an interesting twist.

I just finished this one recently and it is fantastic! The world-building, the writing, the characters. So amazing! You guys who love fantasy and fairytales will die for this one. 

If you're looking for an action-packed, badass fantasy series, The Rephaim books are what you need. They're sexy and thrilling, and they don't get nearly enough hype for their awesomeness.


  1. YOU madam have quite the list here! I see some necessary names on the list (All things Leigh Bardugo, c'mon, it's a must and you so called it <3 ) and some names I don't know! I'll have to check out Reign of Shadows. THAT COVER IS INTERESTING AND PRETTY! a;lsdfj great post :)

    1. I'm glad that you like the list! Leigh Bardugo is pretty much a given on most of my lists..unless it's a list of negatives of course. I hope you check out the books that you don't know of, I stand behind every book that's listed here. I especially hope that you love Reign of Shadows!

  2. AMAZING LIST! Reign of Shadows cover is so beautiful, I'm adding this to my TBR!!! Lovely post

    1. Thank you! Reign of Shadows is more than just beautiful on the outside, believe me! I hope you enjoy it =)

  3. Great list and I loved Reign of Shadows by Sophie as well. I also love Leigh Bardugo she is an exceptional fantasy writer.

    1. YAY I'm so glad that you like Reign of Shadows and I completely agree that Bardugo is an "exceptional fantasy writer." Sounds like we have a similar tastes in books!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I have Shadows ! and the Young Elites ! I just have to read them now lol. Great List ! My TTT is here

    1. Oh my gosh, yes, you must read both of those series! They are amazing!!

  5. Shadow and Bone is pretty good. A bit too much romance for me, but the action and final battle were epic.
    My TTT :

    1. I'm a big sucker for romance so it wasn't even close to too much for me lol. The action and battles are pretty epic though.

  6. So many amazing books on this list!
    Some of these like Shadow and Bone and The Orphan Queen, i've been meaning to read forever.
    I agree with so many of your choices like The Wrath and the Dawn, Red Queen, and The Young Elites (THE ROSE SOCIETY WOOOO) and Under the Never Sky (which was actually on my list)
    My TTT
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

    1. I highly recommend everything Leigh Bardugo!! Trust me, she's an amazing author.

      I'm glad that we agree on my other choices. Did you read The Rose Society? It broke my heart haha. In a good way though.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I have Shadow and Bone sitting on my shelf right now. I've been meaning to get it to.I always hear people talk about the Darkling.

    I love Under the Never Sky (mostly because of Perry <3). I have only read the first book. I don't know why I've never finished the series.

    Sarah @ The Reading Petal

    1. Girl, you need to read Shadow and Bone immediately. That's an order, missy!

      Under the Never Sky is amazing and I ADORE Perry. You need to read the other two books, I'm sure you'll love them!

  8. "Reign of Shadows" - That cover is wonderful! I have a couple of these on my TBR list, like "Six of Crows" and "The Wrath and the Dawn".

    Great suggestions!

    Top 10 Books to Read if You Like J.K. Rowling

    1. Reign of Shadows does have a beautiful cover and it's a great book as well =)

      You really need to read The Wrath and The Dawn (I was so upset that I put it off for so long after I read it). Also, Six of Crows was just publicly released yesterday so I hope you pick it up soon. However, I highly recommend reading The Grisha trilogy first, Six of Crows will make much more sense to you then and you'll like it even more.

  9. Under the Never Sky is one of my all time favourite series. I've heard a lot of great things about The Grisha trilogy and Six of Crows so I definitely plan on getting my hands on the series soon. I'm hoping to read The Rephaim series by next year as well. Great list.

    1. Under the Never Sky is also one of my all time favorite series! It's so amazing and wonderful and..yeah lol.

      I hope that you do pick up The Grisha trilogy and Six of Crows. I love everything Leigh Bardugo<3

      The Rephaim series is so intense and heart-pounding that I couldn't wait for the US releases and had to have them shipped from Australia lol. I hope you love them.

  10. This list is everything! I got an ecopy of Reign of Shadows and I'm really excited about it! I love Sophie Jordan!

    1. Thank you, I tried *blushes*

      I haven't read any other of Sophie Jordan's books, but I will definitely add them to my TBR now because I love Reign of Shadows I hope you do too!

  11. Hi! I don't read much fantasy, so this is a great suggestion list for me :) Thanks!
    My TTT

    1. Really? You should try picking a few of these up then. Especially the Bardugo books, starting with Shadow and Bone all the way down to Six of Crows. I hope that you find some fantasy that you like!

  12. *drools over entire list* I completely agree with your choices! I'm really looking forward to reading Reign of Shadows! My TTT!

    1. I'm not surprised that we agree! That's why we have the most successful buddy reads =)

      I think you'll really like Reign of Shadows and I can't wait to hear what you think!

  13. Awesome list! I'm so jealous that you got to read Reign of Shadows, the cover of that book is SOOOOO pretty! I've read most of these books and definitely agree that they're good books to check out if you like YA fantasy! I just haven't read any of the Leigh Bardugo ones yet, Reign of Shadows, or Shadows, but I will definitely be checking them out!

    1. Girl, you know how I feel about the Bardugo books. You need to read them!!

      Reign of Shadows is awesome and I really hope that you like it.

  14. Fabulous list!
    I got halfway through book 5 of Harry Potter and never picked them back up... it's been two years *goes to corner* I still need to read The Wrath and the Dawn but I'll be doing it soon because everyone seems to love it!

    1. Thank you!

      But Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix is my favorite one!! It is slow at first but the second half is AMAZING. You need to finish it and the rest of the series!

      The Wrath and the Dawn is wonderful. I was so upset with myself when I finished it that I hadn't picked it up sooner.

  15. Red Queen is on my TBR!
    My TTT:

  16. Yes to everything on this list! Also, super jealous you got to read Reign of Shadows already and happy to hear that you enjoyed it. Can't wait for that one!

    1. I'm glad you like the list! Reign of Shadows is awesome, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

  17. i've read most of this except orphan queen, reign of shadows and harry potter and buT I SHOULD REALLY GET ON IT AND READ IT SOON. did you like orphan queen? what did you think of reign of shadows?

    great post, britt!

    isha @ two sisters bloggin'

    1. YOU HAVEN'T READ HARRY POTTER?! *disappointed head shake* Where have I gone wrong?

      Reign of Shadows was really good and I did like The Orphan Queen but you'll have to read them so we can talk about them ;P

  18. THIS LIST IS PERFECTION!!! Okay, so maybe I only read 3 of the books you mentioned, but the others are books I have been DYING to read! Great post!!

    1. I'm glad you like it! I hope you read the other books on this list and love them!!!

