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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Book Boyfriend: Nels a.k.a. The Knight of Cobblestown

So I've seen this meme floating around many book blogs, but initially I got the idea from Reading Lark and they got this meme from The Unread Reader. I've enjoyed the meme so much that I will also be joining in on the fun on Wednesdays. Welcome to Book Boyfriends everyone!


  • Sandy-Brown hair
  • Deep-Green eyes
  • Tall
  • Muscular
Why Nels is my Book Boyfriend:

Nels in my mind is perfect. At least he's perfect for me. I can't think of a single thing about him that I didn't find attractive. He's charming and hilarious. Nels has strong morals and sticks out his neck for other people.

Actor to by my Nels:

Chase Crawford. He's cute, he fits the look, and I liked him in Gossip Girl.

Quotes from and about Nels: 

1) "Forgive me if I can't sympathize," said the peasant. "I'm sure whatever you've been through is much worse than death. 

2)  "Then fetch me that spade, milady; I have a field to vanquish."

3)  Tyra felt her face turn red. "I couldn't sleep."

"Well," said Mother. "That explains your mood. Is it bad enough having to repair the damage you caused in Cobblestown. No one will take your word seriously if you break it. 

"I know I won't," the peasant chimed in. He walked behind the king and queen and stood between them. "What do you think would happen if they knew a peasant had tossed you on your arse?"

4) "You're not your father, Tyra. You're brave. Your parents need you, your kingdom needs you, and"--Nels reached for her hand and linked his fingers with hers--"I need you."

5) Nels was standing by her side, tall and confident. Something in his eyes--something new--strengthened her. Whatever it was, it gave her courage and made her feel safe. Instead of pulling away, she returned his stare and tried to return his grasp.

"You're rather close," she said. 

Nels placed his free hand on her back. "Not close enough."

If you guys want more of Nels, you should check out Woven by David Powers King and Michael Jensen. You can see my full review of that here


  1. Nels! Yes! I love Nels! And LOVED Woven… :)

    Loved this!

    1. Woven was awesome! I don't think this post even does him justice.

  2. Very good choice for Nels! And he is indeed a very likable young man. :)

  3. I got to read it in January and really like Nels.

  4. Oh boy... Now I have to read Woven! It's on my TBR list, but not anymore!

  5. I have Woven on my coffee table, staring at me, saying, "Read me, read me, read, me..."
    Now I *really* have to read it! :D

  6. You picked a perfect Nels!!

    He's such a sweetie. I can see why you'd have a crush on him.

    1. I wouldn't be able to understand anyone who didn't like him haha.

  7. I also read Woven and think Nels is very unique amongst characters I've read lately :)

    1. There was just something about him. He's funny, strong (not just physically), and he cares about others.
