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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday: The Hazel Wood & Unearthed

My TBR list is always growing and I thought it would be fun to share my anticipation for those books with all of you. This is not my own original meme; it belongs to Breaking the Spine. It specifically spotlights upcoming releases. As it implies in the title, I'll be posting this meme on Wednesdays. Please feel free to comment and let me know what books you guys are waiting on as well!

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
Publisher: Flatiron Books
Pub. Date:  January 30th, 2018
Seventeen-year-old Alice and her mother have spent most of Alice’s life on the road, always a step ahead of the uncanny bad luck biting at their heels. But when Alice’s grandmother, the reclusive author of a cult-classic book of pitch-dark fairy tales, dies alone on her estate, the Hazel Wood, Alice learns how bad her luck can really get: Her mother is stolen away―by a figure who claims to come from the Hinterland, the cruel supernatural world where her grandmother's stories are set. Alice's only lead is the message her mother left behind: “Stay away from the Hazel Wood.”

Alice has long steered clear of her grandmother’s cultish fans. But now she has no choice but to ally with classmate Ellery Finch, a Hinterland superfan who may have his own reasons for wanting to help her. To retrieve her mother, Alice must venture first to the Hazel Wood, then into the world where her grandmother's tales began―and where she might find out how her own story went so wrong.
So let me get this straight—fairy tales are literally coming to life?

Everything about this book sounds amazing, and it has a GORGEOUS cover! I was lucky enough to pick this one up at BookExpo and I will be reading it soon ^_^

Melissa is the founding editor of the B&N Teen Blog and an editor at B&N Reads. She reads books, worries about strangers' dogs (they look thirsty), and gets mad at people who block the escalator. 
Connect with Melissa: Twitter

Unearthed by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Pub. Date:  January 9th, 2018
Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository 
When Earth intercepts a message from a long-extinct alien race, it seems like the solution the planet has been waiting for. The Undying's advanced technology has the potential to undo environmental damage and turn lives around, and Gaia, their former home planet, is a treasure trove waiting to be uncovered.

For Jules Addison and his fellow scholars, the discovery of an alien culture offers unprecedented opportunity for study... as long as scavengers like Amelia Radcliffe don't loot everything first. Mia and Jules' different reasons for smuggling themselves onto Gaia put them immediately at odds, but after escaping a dangerous confrontation with other scavvers, they form a fragile alliance.

In order to penetrate the Undying temple and reach the tech and information hidden within, the two must decode the ancient race's secrets and survive their traps. But the more they learn about the Undying, the more their presence in the temple seems to be part of a grand design that could spell the end of the human race...

This book has been widely described as Indiana Jones meets Tomb Raider and to that I say . . . 

Not going to lie, I totally shipped Indie with Lara as a kid xD and now my dreams might be coming true with this book. 

Amie Kaufman is the New York Times bestselling co-author of Illuminae (with Jay Kristoff) and These Broken Stars, This Shattered World, and Their Fractured Light (with Meagan Spooner.) She writes science fiction and fantasy for teens, and her favourite procrastination techniques involve chocolate, baking, sailing, excellent books and TV, plotting and executing overseas travel, and napping.

She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband, their rescue dog, and her considerable library. She is represented by Tracey Adams of Adams Literary.
Connect with Amie: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest

New York Times bestselling author Meagan Spooner grew up reading and writing every spare moment of the day, while dreaming about life as an archaeologist, a marine biologist, an astronaut. She graduated from Hamilton College in New York with a degree in playwriting, and has spent several years since then living in Australia. She's traveled with her family all over the world to places like Egypt, South Africa, the Arctic, Greece, Antarctica, and the Galapagos, and there's a bit of every trip in every story she writes.

She currently lives and writes in Asheville, North Carolina, but the siren call of travel is hard to resist, and there's no telling how long she'll stay there. She's the author of the award-winning Starbound trilogy (These Broken Stars, This Shattered World, Their Fractured Light) and the Skylark Trilogy (Skylark, Shadowlark, Lark Ascending) as well as the upcoming Beauty and the Beast retelling Hunted.

In her spare time she plays guitar, plays video games, plays with her cat, and reads.
Connect with Meagan: Website | Facebook | Twitter | PinterestTumblr

Are these books on your TBR? Or is this the first time you're hearing about them? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! :)


  1. I gotta check both books out!! However, I have to confess that The Hazel Wood got me particularly excited! So glad you have a copy, hope you love it :D

    Thanks for sharing, here's my WoW!

  2. This both look so amazing!! I especially love the sound of Hunted - ESPECIALLY if it's been likened to Indiana Jones ;)
    Hope you enjoy these two when you read them, Brittany! Thanks for sharing :)
    Here's my WoW

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  3. OOoh nice! So excited for The Hazel Wood! It definitely sounds like a me kind of read! LOL! Curious about Amie and Meagan's new book. I might wait for more reviews before making an executive decision though! LOL!!!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I am in love with the cover for The Hazel Wood! I think it is going to be one to watch, for sure. As far as the new Kaufman/Spooner book goes, that one is totally new to me and I am definitely intrigued. I hope that you enjoy these ones. :)

  5. I have really high hopes for both these books. Hopefully they're as good as they sound.
    Great choices this week :)
    Aneta @ Angelic Book Reviews 

  6. Both of these are on my TBR! The Hazel Wood sounds really intriguing, although I'm a bit wary with fairy tale stuff. All I've heard are stellar things, though!

    I CAN'T WAIT FOR UNEARTHEDDDD. Kaufman and Spooner are an A++++ scifi team, and I can't wait to see what they have in store for us in this new series. I already love it, lol.

    - Aila @ One Way Or An Author

  7. I NEED THE HAZEL WOOD SO BAD. Absolutely in love with its blurb and cover ♥♥♥ Great picks, Brittany!

  8. YES I am absolutely dying for both of these gorgeous books. ♥.♥

  9. Oh my gosh, fairy tales coming to life? Yes, please! And so excited for Unearthed!!

  10. Sigh, these covers are so so gorgeous. <3 I cannot wait to read Unearthed :D Eee. It's going to be amazing. Lovely picks Brittany :) I hope you'll love them both the most :D

  11. Oh wow, The Hazel Wood sounds amazing! I can't wait to see what you think of it. And Indiana Jones meets Tomb Raider? Oh yeah, I'll be all over Unearthed when it comes out. Fabulous picks this week!

  12. Fantastic choices! Both of these books are on my TBR, I am so excited to read them. I love the sound of fairytales in the first one and the cover is absolutely stunning. And Unhearthed sounds SO COOL. :D

  13. The Untying’s progressive technology has the possible to undo ecological injury and turn lives about, and Gaia, their previous home planet, online custom essay writing help and service is a gem trove waiting to be exposed. For Jules Addison and his fellow academics, the detection of an alien ethos offers unparalleled chance for study as long as foragers like Amelia Radcliffe don't loot everything first.
