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Monday, February 13, 2017

Frostblood by Elly Blake ARC Review

Publisher: Little, Brown BFYR
Pub. Date: January 10th, 2017
Buy it: Amazon | B&N | Book Depository 
Seventeen-year-old Ruby is a fireblood who must hide her powers of heat and flame from the cruel frostblood ruling class that wants to destroy all that are left of her kind. So when her mother is killed for protecting her and rebel frostbloods demand her help to kill their rampaging king, she agrees. But Ruby's powers are unpredictable, and she's not sure she's willing to let the rebels and an infuriating (yet irresistible) young man called Arcus use her as their weapon.

All she wants is revenge, but before they can take action, Ruby is captured and forced to take part in the king's tournaments that pit fireblood prisoners against frostblood champions. Now she has only one chance to destroy the maniacal ruler who has taken everything from her and from the icy young man she has come to love.

Fast-paced and compelling, Frostblood is the first in a page-turning new young adult three-book series about a world where flame and ice are mortal enemies—but together create a power that could change everything.

If you're looking for a book that is Red Queen crossed with Throne of Glass, then Frostblood is the one for you! At first, it might appear to be a typical YA fantasy, but the execution is phenomenal, the writing is engaging, the dialogue is on point, and the characters are absolutely fantastic.

I devoured this book in one sitting and I've reread it multiple times since then. In fact, I will continue to reread it every chance I get—despite my incredibly packed reading schedule—because that's how much I love this book.

There is an amazing ship in Frostblood, and while I could argue that they are the heart of the book, it's actually equal parts character and plot driven—a perfect balance! I highly recommend this lovely novel to anyone, but especially to people who enjoy epic fantasy, coupled with a well-balanced main pair that'll most likely be your new favorite OTP!

1) I really love Ruby because not only is she a total badass, but she's also so snarky. She made me laugh so much and as I was reading, I caught myself repeatedly thinking "I would love to be her best friend." Although she's the only fireblood in the world (as far as we're told), I wouldn't call Ruby a special snowflake by any means. She's smart and strong, and nothing is easy for her—she works hard for everything she accomplishes. I will never get sick of reading about this girl; she's a wonderful female lead.

2) Ruby and Arcus are the classic enemies-to-lovers trope, and when it's executed this marvelously, I love it. I'm a huge sucker for this kind of couple. It doesn't hurt that they are both stupendous characters on their own, but they're even more perfect when they're together. They compliment one another, and they are both so hilarious and stubborn . . . *dreamy sigh* Their passion is just so tangible, I simply cannot get enough of it.

3) Exceptional dialogue is the quickest way to win me over in a book, and Elly Blake has won me over tenfold. Her character voices are brilliantly distinctive, and their personalities shine through their words so strongly—it made them absolutely come alive.

4) World building is immensely important, especially in a high fantasy book, but wading through pages upon pages of descriptions about each blade of grass really bores me. Thankfully, the world building in Frostblood is clear, intricate, and easy to imagine—but not at all overdone or overwhelming—which I greatly appreciate; Elly Blake put just the perfect amount for my taste.

1) I. Don't. Have. The. Sequel. Yet.


  1. I love that you loved this one! And of course, thanks bunches for the rec because I finally get the impetus that I needed to actually start this series (lol). From all accounts, it sounds like it'll be full of fun and witty dialogue. Plus, that ship tho. I needs another fantasy ship to obsess over. Hopefully it's not toooo reminiscent of Red Glass because I wasn't a fan of this, but I definitely will be picking this one up! Love the review.

    - Aila @ One Way Or An Author

    1. It's not too much like Red Queen (that is what you meant, right? xD) just the same kind of feel. I really think that you'll love this book and I can't wait to see what you think!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I have this book sitting on my shelf. So, why on earth haven't I read it yet?! I see this review and realize I'm making a big mistake because it sounds like the type of book I'd love!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Go read it! You need the feels that this book is going to give you ^_^ I hope you love it!

  3. I'm so happy you liked this, Brittany! I absolutely adored this as well, and loved reading your review. The last half of the book, when she's taken to the castle and all the fighting and shit goes down, was incredible. I was glued to the pages!

    Mariah @ Vibin With Books

    1. I'm so glad that you also enjoyed this book! The second half of the book was insane, I couldn't put it down either! And the couple's reunion? *swoon*

  4. AHHH YAY!! I'm glad you loved this book!
    Amazing review as always and OMG THOSE QUOTES!!! I NEED TO READ THIS BOOK NOW

    1. You are the sweetest! And you definitely need to read this book, you'll love it!

  5. I want to read this book so bad, especially after seeing this! I NEED IT!!

  6. Whoa! sounds really good. Officially on my want list ;-)

  7. I'm so happy to hear that you loved this one! I just bought this one on sale over the weekend! I'm even more excited to read it now. Great review!

  8. I just finished this one the other day and thought it was amazing! I loved your review for it - and I agree, the only major issue with this book is that the sequel isn't out yet!

  9. You've officially convinced me! I was kind of on the fence about getting it - but how could I not after this review and those quotes??!! Thank you!

    1. I'm so glad that I convinced you to read this book, you won't regret it!

    2. I just finished Frostblood and OMG so good! Thanks for this review - I might otherwise never have read what may be a new favourite!

  10. Great review! I had a few issues with this book when I read it but still really enjoyed it overall and can't wait to read the sequel. Thank goodness it comes out later this year so the wait isn't too long.

    1. Thank you! I'm sorry that you had some issues with it but at least overall you liked it! The wait still feels like forever haha

  11. Wow nice review. I admit I thought the plot sounded a little generic but it sounds like the execution is great! I want to read this one now. The dialogue and worldbuilding both sound perfect, and I like the sound of Ruby too.

    1. Thank you! It's hard to find unique concepts in general, so it usually comes down to execution. And this one is amazing! I hope you love Frostblood ^_^

  12. Frost Blood looks good. Have a great week!

  13. This is sitting on my Kindle and I think I need to read this after my current read!

    1. Yes, you do! It's a really fast read too, so you must get to it ASAP!

  14. OH I love this! I enjoyed reading this book and YES I need the sequel in my hands ASAP! So much fun and pretty much agree with all the positive points for sure!!!!

    1. Thank you, I'm so glad that you enjoyed my review and that you love Frostblood ^_^

      Thanks for stopping by!

  15. Ahh!! I am so happy you loved this! I've been dying to crack into my copy of Frostblood - I might just have to prioritize this one for spring break. Also, I love your edits, Britt!! Fireblood comes out this year as well, doesn't it? You don't have to wait //that// long for the sequel! haha :)

    1. You definitely need to read this one, Lillie! You'll love it, I think. And you're always so sweet. Yes, thankfully Fireblood is coming out this year so the wait won't kill me hopefully.

  16. Eeeek! I am so glad that you enjoyed this one because it is one of my most anticipated books this year. The fact that you read it so quickly has me itching to get started on it. :)

  17. Swoon! Those quotes! Now I'm even more eager to read this one! Great review!

    1. I'm so glad, I hope you read it ASAP! Thanks for stopping by ^_^

  18. Wow! You have definitely convinced me I need to get a copy of this book ASAP. Great review!

    1. Thank you, I'm so glad I could convince you! Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Me when I got to the dislikes section = XD. I keep seeing this book everywhere and I must have it!!! I just love the whole idea of firebloods and frostbloods :O I seriously hope to read it this year!!! Love your review <3 <3

    ~Karina @ A Reader Under The Sea

    1. Haha I'm glad I could make you laugh haha. I hope you love Frostblood as much as I do! Can't wait to see what you think ^_^

  20. Gosh your review made me thrice as excited to read this book!!!! It's on the top of my TBR :p
    Great review!!
    Kariny @ kariny's boox frenzy

    1. I'm so glad that I made you even more excited about the book! I hope you read it soon ^_^

      Thanks for stopping by!

  21. I totally loved this one so much!! All the action scenes blew my mind away so I can't wait for more!
    Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews

    1. I'm so glad to hear that! I hope we both love Fireblood ^_^

  22. I got an arc of this one and really enjoyed it as well - the turnaround is also fantastic so I'm looking forward to the next one this year too!!! I'm glad you loved it so much and I'm LOVING your review (especially the gifs and pics!).

    1. I'm so glad that you enjoyed Frostblood! I can't wait for the sequel. Thank you!

  23. Every time I see a review for this, I get more excited to read it! Love all the quotes you shared! Glad to see you loved this! Great review, Brittany!

    1. I hope you read it soon because it's too fantastic to miss out. Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by!

  24. So, I just finished reading Frostblood (so that I could finally read your review (which is great), amongst other things), and I absolutely loved it. Ruby was fantastic, the plot was awesome, and the sass made me laugh so hard. I can't wait to read Fireblood! :)

    1. I'm so glad that you loved it! I also avoid reading reviews until after I've read the book for myself so I can go into each book as unbiased as possible. Thanks for stopping by!

  25. Thank you, you are so sweet! I'm glad you enjoyed my review, thank you so much for stopping by!

  26. Gorgeous review Brittany :D I keep hearing about this book all the time. So glad you loved it so much :) And ee, wanting to re-read a book all the time is the best feeling. <3

  27. This book was an absolute win for me. I’d highly recommend this to fans of Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard and fans of YA Fantasy in general. At the end of the day, this book had similar vibes to some other YA works but its characters and plot were unique enough that it didn’t feel like something that had already been done.
