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Monday, May 25, 2015

Firewalker (Worldwalker #2) by Josephine Angelini ARC Review

4/5 Stars
Details of the Book
paperback ARC, 337 pages
Published by Feiwel and Friends, an imprint of Macmillan
Publication Date: September 1, 2015
Preorder it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Synopsis: Worlds divide, magic slays, and love lies in the second book of Josephine Angelini’s The Worldwalker Trilogy.

"You think I’m a monster, but my choices, as ruthless as they seem, are justified."

Lily is back in her own universe, and she's ready to start a new life with Rowan by her side. True, she almost died in the Pyre that fueled their escape from New Salem, and must hide her magic for the safety of everyone she cares about, but compared to fighting the Woven, the monstrous creatures inhabiting the alternate Salem, life is looking pretty good.

Unfortunately, Lillian, ruthless ruler of the 13 Cities, is not willing to let Lily go that easily. If she can’t persuade Lily to return to her world, she will force her to come back by doing away with the ones she loves.

What a mess Lily has gotten herself into. I didn't love this book as much as Trial by Fire but it was still good. It's sexy and action-packed but darker than the first installment of this trilogy. It wasn't the darkness that made me lose some of my affection towards this story. It was the lying. The main couple lying to each other because they think it's for the best is a plot device I've seen too many times (Divergent fans you know what I'm talking about) and I hate it each time. Rowan and Lily's relationship is lacking in this one and it breaks my heart. The fact that I feel upset about it is exactly what I think Angelini wants though, so well done. 

The plot takes some interesting turns and never for a moment does Angelini let you feel like you've figured everything out. I'm really curious about what's to come next and I don't know how I'll be able to handle waiting for the next one. 


1) The plot becomes more and more complex as the story goes on. Angelini gives you absolutely no clue as to what's going to happen next. I swear, my heart was racing with each page turn. 

2) Angelini knows exactly how to make the reader see into villains side, feel bad for them, but still hate the at the same time. No villain is justified but no villain is just bad for no reason. 

3) There are a few new characters and I'm happy to say that I like them all. Normally I prefer to stick with the main group that appears in the first novel, but the new group merges perfectly with the old. 


1) As I mentioned above, I can't stand the things happening between Lily and Rowan. I'm tired of this plot device. When a couple keeps secrets from each other, even ones that might hurt one another, it always is the wrong thing to do. Although, I will say that the lies being told does not justify Rowan's reactions in my book; but my lips are sealed. You guys will have to read it yourselves and find out what he did. 

2) In Trial by Fire the story is told through three POVs. Lily's, Lillian's, and Gideon's. In this book, it's mostly through Lily's but at random times switches to other characters. It's pretty confusing. 

Favorites Quotes/Moments:

1) More than once, she'd found herself defending the awesomeness of Star Wars or The Matrix when Rowan shrugged derisively at both Luke Skywalker's and Neo's fighting skills. 

"It looks fake," he'd said apologetically. "And there's nothing special about being able to run up walls or do back flips over an opponent. That's kid stuff for a mechanic who has even a halfway competent witch. And the way Skywalker handles his weapon"--he rolled his eyes--"twirling it around like a toy so it makes a cool noise. What an idiot." 

"But Luke is in space. You can't fly through space in a spaceship," Lily argued, deeply offended for Luke's sake.

"No. But I don't need to," he'd replied, pulling Lily close. "All I need is you and I can go anywhere."

2) "What can you do?" Una said. "He's a geek. But he's my geek." 

Lily laughed. "Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but you two make kind of an odd couple. 

"You think?" Una replied, smirking. "Believe me, it was a shock to me too, but he grew on me. Like a fungus."

"But he's your fungus, right?"


3) "Do you wish I wasn't here?" 

"I want to say yes, but I can't. You're not safe. Everyone here wants a piece of you, but I guess I'm even more selfish than they are. I don't just want a piece, Lily. I want all of you. I want you with me wherever I go, even if that puts you in danger."

4) "Love is being willing to become the villain so that the one you love can stay a hero."

5) "You've never ridden a horse?" Caleb asked Breakfast, an eyebrow cocked in disbelief. 

"I try to avoid any mammal bigger than me. Most of them have really sharp teeth," Breakfast replied. 

Caleb got back on his horse, shaking his head. He looked at Lily. "Where'd you get this guy?"

"I grew up with him."

"He has the survival skills of a napkin."

"Napkins can be useful."

"Great. I can blow my nose on him."

To read my review of Trial by Fire click here


  1. I haven't read the books yet (though you're always saying I NEED to) but the new covers are gorgeous.
