I've seen this meme on a lot of blogs and decided to join in. This meme was created by The Broke and Bookish. Every week there is a new topic where you choose ten books that fit the bill.
This week's topic: Ten Books That Celebrate Diversity/Diverse Characters
This list is a mishmash of books I have read and want to read. As all of you bookworms know, there are so many amazing books out there there doesn't always seem enough time in the world to get to all of them when you want to.
1) The Young Elites by Marie Lu
Adelina, the main character, after suffering a blood fever has her eye removed as a child leaving her marked forever for the rest of the society to treat her like the plague. This book is amazing and Adelina is extremely complex. The other characters in this book come from different walks of life and ethnic backgrounds as well. If you don't have this book on your TBR, then add it. You won't regret it.
2) An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Another one of my favorite books. Inspired by Ancient Rome but I felt some definite Middle Eastern Elements. It's a story of Laia, a slave-girl on a mission to save her brother from execution and Elias who has trained most of his life to be a Martial--brutal soldiers that carry out harsh punishments and executions. Both characters carry a lot darkness in them but together they fight against
3) The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
This book has been making all of the best of 2015 YA lists. I haven't had the chance to read this one yet but I've heard so many amazing things that it's gotta be on this list. It's based on the fairy-tale A Thousand and One Nights and this book is making waves among the book community.
4) Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
My love of everything written by Leigh Bardugo is no secret. Six of Crows is an amazing book with a diverse cast of characters. Here are descriptions of two of the main characters:
Jesper: "A Zemeni sharpshooter--long-limbed, brown-skinned, constantly in motion." He also happens to be bi-sexual.
Inej: A Suli acrobat, with dark hair, eyes, and skin.
5) A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
If you've read the books, watched the TV series, or both you know that this story has there are hundreds of different types of characters. From the royals to the peasantry we have different cutlural and ethnic backgrounds. There are bi-racial, homosexual, and incestual couples. One of my favorite characters is Tyrion Lannister who is a dwarf who somehow uses his weakness to his advantage against those who oppose him.
6) A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
This such an important book. It tells the story of 30 years of Afghan history through the perspective of two woman who are forced to marry the same man. Bonded together through war, abuse, and love for one another, they have such a tragic but beautifully told story.
7) More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
The story of Aaron Soto and his struggle in discovering and accepting who he is as a person has been making great waves in the YA community. Aaron has a girlfriend, friends, problem is that he has fallen for a boy named Thomas while he's surrounded by people who are not supportive of homosexuality. I hope that his book and its popularity is a sign that we are becoming more accepting of homosexuality.
I have been wanting a book with a main character that looks like me for a long time. If for nothing else this is one of the main reasons that I want to read this book. I've heard amazing things about Richelle Mead's writing, so I'm hoping that to get to this one soon.
9) The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
A heart-breaking story of Hazel and Augustus, two terminally-ill teens who love in love. This is the first time I read a book with a main character who was sick and you knew that her days were numbered. I felt that John Green captured life with a loved-ones with cancer
10) Kindred by Octavia E. Butler
Dana, the main character, is a young African-American woman who travels back through time to the time of slavery. She watches as a child of a slave-owner grows into an even more abusive and controlling slaver-owner than his father. Dana's story also covers the issues surrounding bi-racial relationships during the time of slavery and more modern times as well.
I loved the diversity in Six of Crows! A lot of these are on my TBR. Hopefully I can get to some soon. :)
ReplyDeleteI loved it too. Six of Crows is the best book I've read this year. My TBR is always growing so I feel your pain haha.
DeleteI've been seeing so much praise about The Wrath and the Dawn! Seriously need to read it. Just waiting on it to come in at the library and then I'll get my hands on it! haha
ReplyDeleteReally looking forward to Soundless too! Richelle Mead is such a fantastic writer; I'm sure she'll handle the diversity well.
I know, I feel so out of the loop in all the book love surrounding The Wrath and The Dawn. I hope I get to it soon.
DeleteI'm also really looking forward to Soundless. I have yet to read any of Richelle Mead's other books but I have heard great things.