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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I'm a Super Villain & Giveaway of an ARC of The Rose Society

I was invited by Penguin to turn myself into a villain to promote Marie Lu's The Young Elites and The Rose Society. This post was so much fun to make, I hope you guys enjoy it. Also, be sure to check out the giveaway at the bottom of this post =P

My Villain Identity: I am Supernova.

Credit to Victor de Schwanberg/Science Photo Library for the original image 
I used to make this badge. See the full size image here

My superpowers: I have powers that control gravitational pull—I can pull anything (and I mean anything) to me or push it away from me. I can slip through time and space into different dimensions. I am able to use energy to vaporize anyone and everything in my path. Also, if anyone is successful at killing me, I turn into a black holesucking everything around me into nothingness. So, better find another way to deal with me . . . good luck.

(Side note: I did take astronomy in college so I'm aware of how a supernova works. The idea here is that I am a supernatural villain and I wanted to include some realism behind my fantastical powers. Also, astronomy is cool)

My fictional Villain Squad

Adelina Amouteru

Maybe this seems kind of obvious but I need one of the most complex characters on my team. Her skills with illusions will be very useful for my takeover.

Aleksander a.k.a. The Darkling

One of the most beloved villain in the YA universe needs to be on my team. Powerful, cunning, and he's sexy. 

Bellatrix Lestrange

She is one of the scariest villains of my childhood, and any woman that can still give me chills belongs in this squad.


I was never quite sure if Magneto was fully a villain but that doesn't change that fact that I want him on my side. 


How can I build a squad without Sauron and his army of Orcs? This guy didn't even have a body and still managed to cause a world of destruction.

To add to my villain squad, I'm calling out to:

Stefani Sloma @ Caught Read Handed

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you haven't yet, be sure to check out my reviews of The Young Elites & The Rose Society


  1. I LOVE that you turn into a black hole if killed. That's a really cool idea. Thanks for tagging me!

    1. It'll make my enemies think twice about trying to vanquish me haha

      You're welcome!

  2. I love your super villain name and powers!!! So cool! And I adore your villain squad. Such a "bad" group you have there :)

  3. This is one of the coolest posts I've seen. Good job! :D

  4. thanks for tagging me, britt! i can't wait to brainstorm ideas now heh

  5. I love that you tied actually abilities of a supernova into your powers. I loo forward to everyone's posts.


    1. I thought it gave it more of a realistic feel although I combined real abilities with fantasy ones. I really want to see everyone's posts.

  6. Those are some really awesome superpowers you came up with! Astronomy is really awesome and also so is your villain squad! Cool post! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I worked really hard on it and was really nervous while I was making it ^_^'

  7. This was such a cool post! Your villain superpowers and your villain squad were amazing! Loved this! And oh, I can't wait to start with this series (and finish the Legend one)!

    Great post!

    ~L. @ Reading Against Time ♥

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like it, it was really stressful to come up with it haha.

      I haven't finished the Legend series XD I read the first one but haven't gotten a chance to read the others yet

  8. Wow, your superpowers are super creative, great job on this! I love love love your villain squad, I think they make a good squad!! I just requested The Rose Society on EW, fingers crossed I get to read it soon.

    1. Aw, thanks Jade! I worked really hard on this post and was very stressed out about it. I'm so glad you like it. I hope that you love The Rose Society but just be prepared to have your heart broken T_T
